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Muslims derive therapeutic and spiritual benefits starting from the Wudoo to physical movements in the  Salat-Takbir. Qiyam, Ruku, Sajda,
Jalsa, and Tasleems,
Muslims perform five daily prayers and voluntary prayers throughout the year. and Taraweeh during the month of Ramadaan .


This results in moderate physical exercise paticularly to every muscle in the body . Some Muscles contract isometrically (some length).
And some contract in approximation or isotonically (some tension), The energy needed for muscle during exercise is met by a process known as glycogenolysis. 
The rate of muscle metabolism increases during the perfoemance of Salah, reulting in a relative deficiency of oxygen and
 Muscle nutrients. In turn, this deficiency cause vasodilatation an incrcase in the caliber of blood vessels, thereby,allowing
 blood to flow easily back to the heart. 
The temporarily increased load on the heart acts to strengthen the muscle and improve the circulation within the heart muscle.
 Just before the Iftal meals, the blood glucose and insulin levels are at their lowest level. After  an hour or so after the Ifter 
 meal, the blood glucose begins to rise and also plasma insuin Liver and the muscles take up the circulating glucose.
 The blood sugar reaches high levels in an hour or two and the benefits of Taraweeh prayers come into effect.
 The circulating glucose is metabolized into carbon dioxid and water during the Taraweeh the extra calories and improve flexibility,  coordination, reduse stress-related autonomic responses in healthy person, and relieve anxiety and depression.

It was noted that the five daily prayers produce  the same physiological changes without any undesirable side effects as 
 Those produced by jogging or walking at about three miles per hour Recent research studies performed on 17,000 
Harvard alumni who entered college between 191650 give strong evidence that only moderate aerobic exercise,
Equivalent to jogging about 3 miles a day, promotes good health and many actually add years to life.
Men, who expended about 2000 kecal of exercise on weekly basis (equal to a daily 30 minute walk, run, cycle,swim,etc,,) 
had one quarter to one-third lower death rates than classmates who did little or no execrse. 
In addition to the  health-boosting qualities of the Salah, the worshipper will be trained to be ever ready for any unexpected 
physical exertion such as sudden lifting of children, chairs, or catching a publie transportation vehicle .
The elderly will accomplish this more secuerly and efficiently .
Hence this is an asvantage for the elderly to maintain their physical fitness  for longer period of time.
It has been observed that those who fast and perform the  Taraweeh prayers repoert feeling much convalescing and robust .


As human beings grow older, their physiological activity diminished, as a result their bones become thinner, and if
 not taken care of, will suffer from osteoporosis (which causes the fractures of the bones when they fall due to a loss of 
 bone mineral content and consequent spoinginess of the bones . the bone then becomes structurally unstable, brittle and
 susceptible to fractures .)

Women are six times more likely than men to develop Type 1 osteoporosis. The three major prevention strategies of 
 osteoporosis are a high dietary in take of calcium and Vitamin "D" . regular replacement in postmenopausal stage .
 The skin also becomes fragile and crinkled . The repair processes of the body become slower and immune responses 
 are decreased.  In the elderly, physical activity is reduced, as a result, they have lower levels of Insulin Growth .

Factor-1 reserve functions of all vital organs decrease and they are more susceptible to mishaps and ailments .
 Because of repeated and regular movements of the body during Salah the muscle strength, tendon power,
 joint flexibility and  the cardiovascular reserve are improved . Hence Salah and Taraweeh prayers enable the elderly to 
 enrich the quality of life and meet unforeseen difficulties such as falls which could injure their bodies . 
 Therefore Taraweeh prayers improve their endurance, Self-respect abd self-confidence in being self-reliant  . 


   While there is an aging effect on the nervous system in terms of reaction time, physically active groups 
  (be they young or old ) move significantly faster than a corresponding age group that is less physically active .
 Hence an active life style may significantly and positively affect movement function at any age . 
 Therefore the biologic aging of certain neuromuscular functions can be somewhat retarded by regular participation in 
  physically activity .

 It is a known fact  that exercise improves mood, thought and behavior . Execrise improves the quality of lif, induces 
 greater sense of well-being and energy, reduces anxitety and depression, influcnces mood favorably and contributes 
 to self-esteem and an aura of confidence, improves memory in the elderly, especially with constant repetition of the 
 Ayah (verses) from the Glorious Quraan and Ayah which exalt His Glory . this constant repetition of the Quraanic 
 Ayah would help to screen the mind from  the incoming thoughts. 
 It has been found by a Harvard University researcher , Dr Harbet Benson that  repetition of prayers, Ayah of the Holy Quraan
 or remembrance (Dhikr) of Allah or musclar activity coupled with passive disregard of intensive thoughts causes a relaxation 
 repsponse" that leads to the lowering of Blood pressure and decraeases in oxygen consumption and a reduction in heart 
 and respiratory rates . 
 All these are combined in the Taraweeh prayer which is an ideal condition for relaxation " response" .

Noted among those who perform the Taraweeh prayers .
Burning off calories and losing weight maintaining muscle tone and body composition, joint. 
Flexibilty, increasing metabolic rate, circulation, heart and lung function and acrobic capacity, decreasing heart disease rids
profile, increases sense of self-control, reducing  your level of stress, increasing your ability to concentrate, improving your
 appearance,  reducing depression and resistance to depression, helping your sleep better and suppressing your appetite .

Evidence      is also accumulating that those who perform regular  Salah along with voluntary prayers can conserve and 
actually retard the loss of bone mass in the elderly, thus staving off the ravages of osteoporosis that afficts both men and 
 women . It is also possible to ratard the aging press confer some proteetion to health in later life .
  Those who had performed Salah, Sunnah, Nafl and Taraweeh prayers throughout life get proteetion and a positive effect 
 in terms of health and longevity. They reverse the life-shortening effect of cigarette smoking and excess body weigth. 
 Even people with high blood pressure (a primary heart disease risk) reduced their death rate by one-half and their risk
 of dying from any of the major disease reduced .
 They also counter genetic tendencies toward and early death ..


Islam is only religion where physical movements of Salah and Taraweeh prayers are combined with spiritual execrise.
 When Salah and Traweeh  prayers are practiced throughout  a person's life recurring every few hours of so, trains a person
 to undertake the difficult tack of meditation during physical maneuvers of Salah and Taraweeh prayers so that the worshipper
  benefits both from spiritual as well as physical execrise . 
  The following benfits have been .. 

                          ( Courtesy :  Islamic Future Vol - XIII-NO,-77)

                         THE DELIVERE
About The Holy Prophet Mohammed  {Peace be upon him} predicted the arrival of in this world.

                                                  TRUTHFUL PERSON IN THE WORLD

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